Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Instant Cows

Have you ever tried to explain where instant milk comes from? I mean, really, we all know that milk comes from cows in the form of white liquid that we drink. So how does the milk turn into powder? And why would people want it to be powder? I explain that powdered milk is really just milk that's been dried and when I add water to it, it turns back into real milk. And people want it to be powder because it keeps longer that way. Why do we buy milk powder instead of buying "store" milk? Because of the price tag! I can buy a box of powdered milk that makes 20 quarts (5 gallons) for 10 bucks. That's $2 a gallon. I haven't found regular milk for $2/gallon in years. And my big family can go through a lot of milk! Personally, I don't care for the taste of powdered milk, but when I start talking about the savings, it starts to taste a lot better!
P.S. Elijah is the only one who doesn't drink cow milk. He drinks soy milk; don't get me started on the price of that!


Anonymous said...

Liz said...

What am I supposed to find at this web address? I'm not quite sure what you want me to see.

Unknown said...

What about condensed milk? Does that come from miniature cows? And wait until you try to explain what evaporated milk is. Love your blogs. Dad

~Karen said...

That link above may be something about the supposed dangers of soymilk. After much research, I have decided it is perfectly fine. BTW, I use a soymilk maker - MUCH cheaper than buying. Since we use about 3 gallons a week, my maker paid for itself very quickly. Making soymilk with it is not much harder than making coffee and much easier than juicing.