Happy Anniversary, Chris! While we were on our trip, we had absolutely no web access so I was unable to post about this historic event when it actually happened. (Imagine that, we stayed at the "posh-est" hotel I've ever been to, and they charged for computer usage. There was free wi-fi everywhere, but alas, we don't have a laptop.) But on June 10th, we celebrated 8 years of marriage! I never dreamed on that sunny summer day we were wed that 8 years later I would be married to a senior pastor, have moved 7 different times, be pregnant with our 5th child, and would have such an interesting life! Yeah, the specifics could not have been known, but I knew this: that for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health I would love Chris until the day I die. And our love is deeper, richer, and more committed because of how we've chosen to respond to each other and because of our relationship with Christ. Chris, you are my best friend. You are a wonderful father. You are a funny guy - you make me laugh hard and loud! And you have perfected page 14 (inside joke; don't ask, I won't tell).
"Many waters cannot quench love, nor will rivers overflow it (Song of Solomon 8:7)".
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