Sunday, February 3, 2008

Announcing the Lucky Duck

We have a Duck! Just Another Crazy Family is the lucky duck who gets the packet of coupons! Congratulations, and thank you so much to everyone who participated in this giveaway and made my husband think that I truly am (at least in our family) the blog queen! (Ha, ha - just think, I didn't tell him I was jumping in the fun at Bloggy Giveaways, and he checks my blog, which typically has 0 - 1 comments, and there's 40 at the time of his checking; it blew his mind!) Just to roll the credits on the coupons, as well, I don't buy a Sunday paper. But a good friend from church does, and she saves all her coupon inserts for me. Isn't she generous?! And also, I sign up for lots of free samples online and when the free samples come, there's usually coupons that come with them. As far as organizing my coupons goes, my coupon organizer that I got from the Dollar Tree five years ago just fell apart. But I saw a lady at the grocery store who had the coolest coupon organizer: it was a fat 3-ring binder with baseball card page protectors that she had all her coupons sorted into, with page dividers separating all the categories. She just had the thing propped open on the kiddy seat of the cart, and voila! So that's what I want to do... sort all my coupons - sounds like just the thing for me! (If you don't get this joke, please refer to the post "Sort Of" a couple of posts down.)


Unknown said...

Yay for me! I won. Thanks so much for the giveaway. I try to use coupons every time I go grocery shopping. Sometimes I have to go shopping at the spur of the moment and don't have any coupons and it kills me knowing I could have saved some money with the coupons I have at home. I look forward to getting them in the mail. I sent you my address via email. Come back and visit me and I'll do the same.

Michelle said...

Coupons and food allergies...TWO things we have in common:) MAM is allergic to dairy, wheat and gluten, soy, and eggs. Thankfully her reactions are all sinus related and so far, nothing life threatening! She too (or I am) is making the attempt to potty train--it's been a slippery slope for us!

I've never seen the big 3 ring binder in action at the store--it sounds impressive! I subscribe to a local service here and it matches my coupons to the store sales, which is very helpful! (and my savings more than pays for the quarterly subscription!)