Potty training has begun in earnest for Elijah. He is very proud of the fact that he is a big boy now, almost a "gwome up", in fact. He is thrilled to wear his "undah-weah", and most days, around the house, that's all he weahs. As long as I remember to take him, he remembers to go. And if he goes, then he gets a candy. Potty training is all about some bribery, don't you know. And if tells me first that he needs to go, that's another piece of candy. And...if he goes 1 AND 2 in the potty he gets an extra piece of candy. That means the potential is there for three pieces of candy each time!
So, this afternoon, Eli comes running up to me, "Mommy, I'm almost going peepee in my undahweah!" "Ok, Eli, let's hurry to the bathroom." We rush down the hall and get him seated just in time. He does his business, and then sits for a few more seconds. Plop! With his big blue eyes looking up at me, he proclaims, "Dat is majjick!"
Three pieces of candy...
Cute!! Oh yes, isn't it such a joy potty training our little men!? That's so cool we both blogged about it. :)
Joshua is doing really good. He is always amazed when he goes #2, trying to figure out how in the world that happened. He's been wearing the "cars" underwear and he'll say "I have to go in the potty or mcqueen might get dirty and he don't like to be dirty, mom." :)
Thanks for the "warm" welcome. Although it hasn't been that warm in my neck of the state. I look forward to reading your blog!
Oh my gosh...this is absolutely hilarious! Hope you're doing well!
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