Thursday, August 7, 2008

Guessing Game

Just for fun, guess which kid this is... is it Jacob, Savannah, Elijah, or Seth? The prize is basking in the knowledge of how well you know my children! Just a clue, that's me holding the cutey little baby. Aren't the chubby arms sweet?!


Anonymous said...

Um,I like totally know this. Um, cause I'm the father. So, yea, I, um, know it's Elijah.

Amy said...

I soo agree :) not cuz I"m the father but because of the cheeks :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know anything about the Father's cheeks, but, ummmmmm I would have said Savannah because she was the chubbiest one. But I guess I would have been wrong. Next time tell the Father to let other people enjoy the game. He always tries to be the winner, I'm so sick of it!! I could just scream, but I AM NOT GOING TO GET THAT UPSET!!!!! Hmmm, anyway i guess the picture is now of elijah.

The lowly grandma reta

Anonymous said...

Um, yea. Savannah, that's what I meant. It's Savannah. I knew it all along.

No, wait. Seth was born in the fall...yea, it's Seth. Rats! I don't know my own children. I feel so violated.

Anonymous said...

Iam guessing Savannah!!!
Love ya sister.
Shannon Baker

Anonymous said...

i was guessing savannah too,but o well,

Anonymous said...

What are Seth Rats???