Thursday, May 1, 2008

*not my own giveaway*

So the deal is if I blog about this giveaway, then I get an extra entry into the pot. And I really want to win this because with Eli's allergies, we are always taking his food with us when we go out to eat. And this would make it so much more fun for him, plus also, it zips out to be a placemat, so that would keep him from coming into contact with any allergens lurking about on the restaurant table. So if you are curious about what this is, and want to enter the giveaway yourself, hop on over to s.i.m.p.l.e. and sign yourself up!

There, that should do it!


pwnspace said...

How fast can you type? I got 78wpm

Mason and Terri's Mom said...


I don't think you were trying to cheat. (I counted you twice!)