Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas at the Parsonage

Last night we hosted a huge Christmas party for our church family here at our home. Jacob, Savannah, and Eli helped us clean the house on Saturday in preparation. Savannah was so excited about the party; we realized we had neglected to tell the kids that they were going to be at church for AWANA during the party time. But I hastened to assure them (especially Savannah) that there would still be a little party left when they got home. Sure enough, the party was a blow-out success. Everybody brought tons of food, and we had a great time of fellowshipping, eating, singing, and remembering the Reason for the season. Chris brought the kids back home after AWANA. The party was still going strong. As soon as Elijah walked through the door, he saw all these people all over his house. Quickly assessing the situation, he walked straight up to a lady holding a plate of food in her hands and demanded, "Why are ya'll eating our food?!"
Ha, ha, ha! Everybody got a good laugh out of that one, and Savannah and Jacob ate M&M's and cookies to their hearts' content. Elijah and Seth pigged out on apple slices and snowflake crackers. And there are plenty of leftovers to go around!


Anonymous said...

Hey Elisabeth,
When you get a chance, I'd like to hear more about how the party went. I have a few faint memories but I think I drank too much punch. You should have put out smaller glasses...

Liz said...

Just to set the record straight for all 14 people who read my blog...Rev. Chris Hilliard is my husband and there is a big inside joke going on here. Ha ha, Chris! You know, the problem with smaller glasses is you can hardly taste the punch before it's gone; and then you have to keep getting refills and looking like a punch hog. That was some good punch though - pineapple juice and Cheerwine. Yum!