Sunday, August 24, 2008

Of Elephants and Storks

I am 35. Not 35 years old. Just only 35 weeks pregnant. I've got 5 more to go. Not that I'm counting down or anything. But this being pregnant for forever is for the birds. I'd much rather have babies the stork way. But that's not God's plan for us humans, only for storks. Sure wish I was a stork right about now. Speaking of God, He has a funny sense of humor sometimes. Way back when I was 32 weeks pregnant, the doctor thought the baby was measuring about 2 weeks smaller than she was supposed to. So that meant I got to have an ultrasound 2 weeks later at 34 weeks to make sure that she wasn't having any problems growing (this was last week). In those 2 weeks between doctor visit and ultrasound, I spent a lot of time praying and researching IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation). Worst case scenario is I would deliver the baby now and she would be in NICU for awhile. Apparently, God hears prayers, and decided to answer these with a resounding "yes". Because at the ultrasound last week, little baby girl measured actually 2 weeks bigger than the weeks of pregnancy I've put in! So I had a 36 week sized baby at 34 weeks. Go figure!! Either there was no problem to begin with, and God used this experience to stretch my faith, or God answered our prayers and made this baby grow a month's worth in 2 weeks! Yay, God! So if I look, act or feel like I've got a baby elephant inside of me, it's because I do. So you should be real nice to me, feed me lots of yummy donuts (chocolate glazed with custard inside), and not say anything about how the baby will be here before I know it. Because if that was true, I wouldn't have a bowling ball still attached on my front.

Monday, August 18, 2008


For those who are interested, the baby in this post is Savannah. I know, I know, all babies look alike. But for some reason, all my babies really do look alike!! So don't worry if you guessed wrong - even Chris didn't guess it was Savannah at first!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Proverbs 31:28 by Chris

Just a country girl
With hazel eyes
Dark hair
Light spirit

She grabs me
In a way that clouds my eyes
A deep reflection freezes me
It makes me want to run
Or should I embrace the miracle

I’ve lost direction
Perplexed at my present situation
Am I where I’m suppose to be
Then how could she be for me

It’s more than I deserve
I’m in over my head
The clichés come easy

Do I love you
No doubt
But to have you love me
Wears this boy's mind out

Friday, August 8, 2008

Future NASCAR driver...

I found this on the Cub Scout website. I love that bottled up grin Jacob gets when he's having the time of his life!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Guessing Game

Just for fun, guess which kid this is... is it Jacob, Savannah, Elijah, or Seth? The prize is basking in the knowledge of how well you know my children! Just a clue, that's me holding the cutey little baby. Aren't the chubby arms sweet?!